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《無以為家》主要取材自萬華的騎樓空間。在這個經歷過繁華與衰敗的臺北舊城區,騎樓是一個留有時間軌跡的通道,也是交織著攤販、過客、住民、遊民、茶室、小吃攤的生活場域,乘載了長年佇留於此的人們之記憶與情感,似家,又非家。作品以3D 掃描紀錄騎樓內的常民生活,然而此種凝鍊卻並非靜止的,取得的點雲(Point cloud)數據彷彿是逐漸堆積的時間晶體,在動態的流動中不斷地聚合,又再次離散,人們生活的軌跡進入了時間之流中,讓每個瞬間都不斷連續與綿延。

Historically speaking, storefront overhangs in Taiwan were created due to the island’s warm and rainy climate. After the related policies implemented during the Qing regime and the regulations in the period of Japanese rule, storefront overhangs have become a characteristic architectural sight in Taiwan, not only providing pedestrians a sheltering space from wind and rain but also serving as an extension of stores— they are, in short, a unique interface between the public and private spaces.
Wanderland is based on the storefront overhangs in Wanhua District. In this historical zone of Taipei that has witnessed as much glory of the city as its decline, the storefront overhangs form a corridor that has preserved traces of time and a common site where vendors, passersby, residents, homeless people, tea parlors and street delis intermix, carrying memories and feelings of people who have spent years living and lingering in this space, one that is like home but not quite. The work uses 3D scanning to record people’s daily life in the storefront overhangs that seems coagulated yet constant moving. The gathered point cloud data resemble gradually accumulated crystallization of time, and in the dynamic flow of time, it has continuously converged and dispersed again. When the trajectory of people’s life merges with the river of time, every moment in their life has joined together and become an ever-extending continuation.

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